
Showing posts from April, 2020

Knights Templar 'Thunder Hole' Legend - Aberdeen

In the late 12th century, William the Lion granted lands in Deeside, Aberdeenshire to the Knights Templar.  The Knights Templar Preceptory was founded in the area by Walter Bisset, Lord of Aboyne between 1221 and 1236.  The Knights Templar were believed to have built a chapel at this location, and dedicated it to St. Mary.  In 1288, this chapel, became the parish church for Maryculter. The church remained in use until 1782 when a new parish church was erected. The site is located on the banks of the River Dee and in the grounds of Maryculter House. The Templar 'Thunder Hole' Legend... There are several versions of an Aberdeenshire local legend of the 'Templar Thunder Hole.'  The following legend centers around a Maryculter Templar Knight called, 'Sir Godfrey Wedderburn' and a beautiful Saracen Woman he was believed to have met whilst on Crusade to the Holy Land.  According to authors Banks and Blackhall (2013), when Sir Godfrey, arrived in the East,...